Fuel Pricing

Best Quality Fuel in the Solomon Islands…… Silentworld  Bulk Fuel

Description Price GST (15%) Price inc. GST IBCCharge Sales Tax Total Cost per litre
Unleaded – 1000 IBC $8,609.00 $1,291.35 $9,900.35 $0 $100.00 $10,000.00 $10.00
Unleaded – bulk Per L $8.609 $1.29 $9.90 $0 $0.10 $10.00
Diesel – 1000 IBC $8,913.00 $1,336.95 $10,249.95 $0 $100.00 $10,349.95 $10.35
Diesel – bulk per L $8.913 $1.34 $10.25 $0 $0.10 $10.35
Retail Rates ULP $13.00 sbd per Litre
Diesel $13.00 sbd per Litre
Freight Cost $1.00 sbd per L for under 5000 l (10 000 litres and above $0.70 per L)
Notes IBC Deposits $3000 SBD are refundable in full on return in similar condition from dispatch.
Terms Payment in advance unless approved.
Save Save Save Save up to $2000 SBD on drum Costs
Save Save Save On cheaper and better quality fuel

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